AAIB record-only UAS investigation analysis
Uncover insights about drone incidents in the UK with Dronedesk's comprehensive analysis of the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) record-only UAS investigations. Delve into detailed data including manufacturers and models involved.
The UK Air Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) publishes reports on "record-only" UAS (drone & model aircraft) investigations via the government portal. But, because of the way the data is presented across multipe pages, it's really difficult to get any meaningful insights from the data.
So we thought we'd do something about that and spend some time pulling in the data, cleaning it up and collating it into a format that's more user-friendly and, importantly, a format that enables some sensible aggregation and reporting.
This report unlocks the data from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) record-only UAS investigations, and includes data from 374 incidents detailed in 30 reports, all carefully analysed and presented by us for your enjoyment.
We've harvested historic data for all record-only UAS incidents from the earliest report available - July-2019 - and we'll continue to update the data as soon as new reports are released - usually every couple of months.
The data are enriched by firstly classifying the aircraft involved as either a drone or a model aircraft, secondly extracting and standardising the aircraft manufacturer and model and then finally attributing a root cause based on the textual content of the report.
This is still a work in progress and we'll maybe do some more intelligent textual analytics around indicent classification in the future - watch this space. If you have any thoughts about what you'd like to see included, please reach out.

We hope you find the data useful. Ready to dive in?
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